Introducing Easy South Beach Meal Plan Diet Apps! South Beach Diet was introduced by Cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatson and dietician Marie Almon. It was created to help patient with heart disease to lower their risk developing the disease. This diet meant to be Simple & accessible. This diet claims to help you to lose weight through maintaining balance diet that is rich with nutrient and fiber. You may lose 8 to 13 pounds during phase 1 -2 pounds a week during phase 2.
The basic principle to this diet is to replace “bad carbs” to “good carbs” and the “bad fats” with “good fats”. Bad carbs – are does with high glycemic index, which can increase your blood sugar. Food with high glycemic rate will make you feel hungry even when your body has all the food you need. With this diet it can eliminate carbs with a high glycemic rate, such as refined sugars and processed grains, in favor of unprocessed food, such as vegetables, beans and whole grains. It also replace food heavy in saturated fats with foods rich in unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids.
Moreover, list of food allowed and not allowed is provided in this apps from Phase 1 until Phase 3 so that you have plenty and flexible choices of healthy food to consume. The purpose of you making your own choices is because this diet is a long term and steady weight loss. You will be bored if your diet is being planned, just to give u freedom while learning the healthy food for your body.
Apps Features:
Overview (About the diet, South Beach Diet Theory, The Promises)
The South Beach Phases (Phase 1: The preparation, Phase 2: Rapid Weight loss, Phase 3: Metabolic Adjustment and Pro & Cons of the Diet)
Meal Plan Menu (Phase 1, 2, and 3)
Apps Info (Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Apps Share, More Apps by Developer)
Finally, we wish you a great success on your diet journey!